The Federation AGM for 2013 finally took place at 2:30pm on Saturday 6th April after having been postponed and re-located due to the extraordinary weather conditions experienced in the west of the Island around the time originally scheduled (23rd March). A combination of unfortunate circumstances (the Methodist Hall was booked by another group and we were double booked in the Methodist Chapel with Gale Force led by the formidable Barbara Gale) led to the meeting being held in a somewhat restricted space within St John’s Methodist Chapel. The turnout was reasonable – and such that we just managed to squeeze in.
The agenda was worked through in the usual fashion and members were brought up to date by Harry Owens with regards to the island wide inspections and importation restrictions, and by David Roberts regarding the BBKA ADM which he kindly attended on behalf of the Federation.
Members were delighted to welcome the new Federation President Mark Ralph from the Western Association and were treated to an entertaining and highly amusing speech from 2012-2013 President Stan Clucas who then handed over the Chain of Office.
The Federation are also pleased to welcome, and thankful to, Mrs Pat Shimmin who has taken over as Federation Secretary from Janet.
Janet Thompson has been the Federation Secretary since stepping in when Judith Cain had to break off through ill health. The Federation Committee and I’m sure all members are most grateful for her exemplary fulfilment of the role.
With the conclusion of the formal meeting, attendees were able to enjoy a chat whilst a handsome supply of tea, sandwiches, scones, and particularly cakes was set upon with vigour.
The briskly conducted AGM was concluded in around two hours allowing many members to make further use of what was an unusually fine day.


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