Mark L. Winston, the recipient of the 2015 Canadian Governor General’s Literary Award for Nonfiction for his book Bee Time: Lessons From the Hive visited the Isle of Man last week and addressed a gathering of beekeepers and friends at Noa Bakehouse

 Thanks to Maggie Hughes for this report.

What a splendid turn out last night at Noa Bake House!
Over seventy people came to hear Canadian Professor Mark Winston talk about his sometimes scary bee adventures, and varied world wide work over the last forty or so years, which he made very easy listening.
He spoke about how the power of bees and beekeeping can unite people from diverse back grounds, how we as humans can learn from these wonderful creatures, and for our survival, we must respect and care for the bees, as in some parts of the world the bee population is in serious trouble.
Dr Winston was very complimentary not only about the Isle of Man, but also about us as beekeepers. He was amazed to see bees flying in such cool conditions (summers day to us!), and delighted to learn we are varroa free.
Once again Federation Secretary Linda Cain, along with Cilla, arranged a hugely successful and enjoyable evening. Linda assembled a magnificent raffle, with kind donations from many of our beekeepers. The venue was perfect, Noa Bake House were extremely accommodating, and the company was entertaining.

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One Response to Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive

  1. Will Mark be returning to the Isle of Man anytime soon? I thought his book Bee Time Lessons From the Hive was particularly good!

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