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The Isle of Man’s Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture today issued this press release:


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4 Responses to Bee Importation into the Isle of Man prohibited!

  1. Phillip Cairns says:

    Honey bees on the island of Newfoundland in Canada are relatively disease-free too and have never been exposed to varroa. The Newfoundland government, however, allows the importation of packages from Western Australia.

  2. Torbjörn Eckerman says:

    Congratulation to your warroafree island status! We are also a warroa-free island, and I think we were the first place to be declared warroafree in EU, in september 2013! Aaland island, between Finland and Sweden.We actually have had warroa,in 1985 a man brougt bees from eastern Finland to Aaland,and they had the mites,but with some help from the wetrynary,they were killed bifore they had spred. So our struggle to be officialy declared warroa-free,took nearly thirty years!

    • Johnny says:

      Thanks for your good wishes, Torbjörn. Are you a beekeeper, yourself? Nice to know that Aaland led the way for the Isle of Man through the EU legislation. Not many varooa free places around!

      • Torbjörn Eckerman says:

        Yes, I am the only professional beekeeper at Aaland.And I have also exported bees to Island, so they now have over twohundred hives on that cold island. But they are outside EU.And we also have that big island down south, Australia, still varoafree, but we are not many!

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