This is to remind members of All Things Wax, a demonstration by Esther and Norrie Mills at their home this Saturday, 23 May of beewax and some of its many uses.

The day will begin at 10:30 and will be broken into a morning and afternoon session. During the day, Norrie will be demonstrating, inter alia, how to make your own foundation.

Esther and Norrie live at Thie Mwyljyn, on the brow of Richmond Hill, on the right hand side when travelling south.

Parking is limited at Thie Mwyljyn, so these ideas might help to avoid congestion:

  • Come with your neighbours and friends, in otherwords, carshare, please!
  • Mrs Taylor, at Beaconsfield Farm, turnoff 50m beyond the Mills’, travelling south, on the opposite side of the road, has kindly offered that visitors may park at her home, or in front of their farm shed – but in all cases, please be very careful not to park in front of the farm-gates or shed-doors; Beaconsfield is a working farm and may require access at any time!
  • Members advise Pat Shimmin, ahead of time which session they plan to make. Pat can be contacted on 814222 or <>

Esther and Norrie have an enviable fund of knowledge, not only of wax but bees & beekeeping, so the day should produce fascinating insights.

Not to be missed!




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